The Night Angel Trilogy is a fantasy series written by Brent Weeks. The story follows the life of Azoth (later Kylar Stern) as he struggles as a guild rat to become the ultimate wetboy (an assassin with magical talent, such as the ability to muffle sound or to block an attack), but then tries to leave it all behind and finally becomes the avatar of retribution: the Night Angel.
The Way of Shadows
Shadows Edge
Beyond The shadows
Format: MP3
on DVD
Note: To Buyers:
You are purchasing Audio-Books which is an electronic version of books in MP3 format to be listened to on Electronic Media Devices.This Listing is NOT for a physical book.It will be delivered on a DVD.
Product Code | THECHDB249 |
Condition | New |
Weight | 0.0021kg |
Width | 15cm |
Height | 0.0004cm |
Depth | 15cm |